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Mr. Jonathan R. Agbayani, Senior Science Research Specialist of the Department of Science and Technology – X, is advancing to the national finals of the 3rd PSA Quiz Bee after winning First Place during the Regional Eliminations conducted on 25 September 2023 at Chali Beach Resort and Conference Center, Cagayan de Oro City.
Mr. Ruel Jhon U. Madelo, Economic Development Specialist I of the National Economic and Development Authority – X ranked Second while Ms. Schaine Fritz A. Amper, Statistician II of the Department of Labor and Employment - X placed Third.

Eight (8) representatives from the Regional Statistics Committee – X member-agencies competed in the said event which include the Commission on Population and Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Trade and Industry, and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.
Mr. Agbayani will represent Region X in the National Finals which shall be held on 05 October 2023 in Metro Manila. The PSA Quiz Bee contributes to the advocacy in the use of statistics for evidence-based decision making
and familiarization on the core mandates of the PSA.

(Chief Statistical Specialist)
Officer-in-Charge, PSA RSSO 10
(Chief Statistical Specialist)
Officer-in-Charge, PSA RSSO 10