Philippine Statistics Authority – Camiguin issued a total of 2,266 birth certificates, 409 marriage certificates, 133 death certificates and 233 CENOMAR for the period January to June 2022. Of the total number of issued civil registry documents in security paper, 75.0 percent are issued birth certificates, 13.0 percent marriage certificate, 8.0 percent CENOMAR and 4.0 percent death certificates. (See Figure 1)

For the first quarter of 2022, the month of February had the highest reported issuance of birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates with a total issuance of five hundred twenty three (523), one hundred seventy-seven (177) and twenty five (25), respectively. The various activities conducted during the celebration of Civil Registration Month that falls every month of February such as mobile acceptance/issuance of SECPA request in different barangays contributed to a high number of issued above-mentioned Civil Registry Document during this period. (See Figure 2)

In the second quarter of 2022, the month of June posted the highest issuance of birth certificates (506) and marriage certificate (52). On the other hand, the highest issuance of CENOMAR was reported in April while the highest issuance of death certificate was in May 2022. The surge of birth certificate issuances in June was attributed to school requirement. (See Figure3).

Birth Certificate Issuance
Issuance of birth certificates were generally higher in 2022 compared with the registered issuances in 2021 except the month of April 2022 where it slumped to 192 issuances from the posted issuances of 322 in same month of 2021, a decreased of 40.4 percent. (See Figure 4)

Marriage Certificate Issuances
Higher number of issued marriage certificate was reported in February 2022 which registered a 704.5 percent increase compared with that of February 2021. It also showed that first semester 2022 had higher demand for marriage certificate issuances compared with that of the first semester of 2021 except in April 2022 which posted a 22.9 percent decrease than what was posted in April 2021. (See Figure 5)

Death Certificate Issuance
The issuances on death certificate generally registered a higher demand for the year 2022 compared with that of the 2021 for the first semester, except in April 2022 where it is lower than that of April 2021 by 41.2 percent. (See Figure 6).

Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) Issuance
Issuances of CENOMAR in the first semester 2022 was generally higher than the registered issuances in 2021 except in the months of April and May in 2021 where issuances were higher than the registered issuances in same month in 2022. (See Figure 7).

Total Issuance of Civil Registry Documents in Security Paper
A total of 2, 266 birth certificates were issued during the period January-June 2022 which is higher by 44.0 percent compared with same period in 2021. Meanwhile, the office also issued a total of 409 marriage certificates, 113 death certificates and 233 CENOMAR which is higher than the posted issuances in same period in 2021 by 128.5 percent and 24.2 percent and 12.6 percent, respectively. (See Figure 8)

Chief Statistical Specialist
Technical Notes
Civil Registry Documents in Security Paper (SECPA) is a public document that contains the vital events pertaining to status of the persons, that either birth certificate, marriage certificate, CENOMAR and death certificate.
Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) it is a certification issued by the PSA stating that a person has not contracted any marriage or a certificate of Singleness.
PSA Birth Certificate is an official document containing a person’s birth details, including their full name, gender, place of birth, date and time of birth and parents’ basin information.
A Marriage Certificate is a document that shows social union or a legal contract between people that creates kinship. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony. A general definition of marriage is that it is a social contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally, economically and emotionally.
A Death Certificate is an official document setting forth particulars relating to a dead person, including the name of the individual, the date of birth and the date of death.