Poultry Products Production in Bukidnon increased by 3.4 Percent.
The total volume of poultry products in Bukidnon increased to 107,131.01 metric tons (MT) in 2021 from 103,631.48 metric tons in 2020 or by 3.4 percent growth (Table 1).
The total poultry production in Bukidnon comprised of all poultry products such as chicken, chicken egg, duck, and duck eggs. In 2020 and 2021, all products recorded increase in production; duck recorded the highest increase with 16.6 percent and followed by duck egg with 11.3 percent growth. Likewise, chicken egg increased by 7.3 percent and chicken with 0.5 percent growth rate.

Among the poultry products, Chicken contributed 60.2 percent of the total volume of production in 2021, followed by Chicken Egg at 34.2 percent. Duck Egg and Duck at 4.1 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively.

Livestock Production in Bukidnon increased by 9.3 Percent
The total livestock production in Bukidnon comprised of Carabao, Cattle, Hog, and Goat. All commodities posted an increase in production, Carabao production contributed the highest growth rate at 24.8 percent, followed by Goat which recorded a 10.6 percent growth. Hog at 8.9 percent growth and Cattle at 8.2 percent growth (Table 2).

Furthermore, Hog registered the biggest share in livestock production at 83.4 percent in 2021, Cattle production shared 12.0 percent and Carabao shared 2.8 percent. Goat production contributed only 1.7 percent (Figure 2).

Number of Heads of Animals Slaughtered in Slaughterhouses in Bukidnon increased by 6.3 Percent
The total heads of livestock slaughtered in Bukidnon in slaughterhouses increased to 164,538 heads in 2021 or 6.3 percent. Carabao posted the highest increase with 41.8 percent and Hog with 4.7 percent respectively. Meanwhile, Goat posted a decline with -2.0 percent (Table 3).

Volume of Livestock Slaughtered in Bukidnon increased by 8.7 Percent
The total volume of livestock slaughtered in Bukidnon increased to 1,620,771 heads in 2021 or 8.7 percent. Carabao posted the highest increase with 83.8 percent, followed by Goat by 31.8 percent, then followed by Cattle and Hog with 10.3 and 6.6 percent increase, respectively.

Volume of Poultry Dressed increased by 10.4 Percent
The total of Poultry Dressed in Bukidnon increased to 43,120,690 heads or 10.4 percent. Duck posted the highest increase with 26.5 percent, followed by Chicken with 10.2 percent.

The Livestock and Poultry Situation Report presents the data on volume of production of livestock, and poultry derived from the Backyard & Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey conducted quarterly by the Philippine Statistics Authority and from the collected administrative data from CDSPDP.
Livestock are farm animals kept or raised for consumption, work or leisure. For purposes of census and surveys, livestock covers only those that are tended and raised by an operator.
Poultry isa collective term for all domesticated avian for the purpose of food consumption or, the carcass of such avian are processed for human consumption.
Volume of Production is the number of tended/raised animals disposed for slaughter including animals shipped-out for slaughter (in “head/bird” and in “live weight equivalent”).
Chief Statistical Specialist