35th Civil Registration Month Official Streamer
10 February 2025 – Cagayan de Oro City. The Philippine Statistics Authority-Regional Statistical Services Office X spearheaded the Opening Ceremony of the 35th Civil Registration Month celebration on 03 February 2025 with a Thanksgiving Mass at Sto. Niño Parish, Brgy 31, Cagayan De Oro City. This was then followed by a parade from Sto. Niño Parish going to PSA grounds, Limketkai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City. A flag ceremony was also conducted where part of the program was the recognition of the Best Employees of the Month awarded by PSA RSSO X Regional Director Dr. Janith C. Aves.
This year’s Civil Registration Month theme is “Building a Resilient, Agile , and Future-fit Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System".
It symbolizes the unity of all Filipinos in the month-long observance of the Civil Registration Month.
These activities were participated by the officials and employees from the Statistical Operations and Coordination Division, Civil Registration and Administrative Support Division, and Office of the Regional Director.
Additionally, a Civil Registration Quiz was conducted to clients who transacted for Civil Registry Documents at the Civil Registry System-Cagayan de Oro City Outlet.
The Civil Registration Month is celebrated in February of every year pursuant to Proclamation No. 682 signed by the former President Corazon C. Aquino on 28 January 1991. This annual celebration is relevant as PSA continuously advocates and supports the improvement of the country’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, and to remind Filipinos of their duty to register vital events in their life such as births, marriages, and deaths, as well as decrees, legal instruments, and judicial orders affecting their civil status.
Other activities of the month-long celebration are the following:
• Hanging of Streamer
• Lectures and Trainings for Municipal/City Civil Registrar and staff
• Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) 101 Training
• Civil Registration Quiz for PSA Employees
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Participation to Kasalan ng Bayan
• Lecture on Marriage Laws
• Mobile Issuance of CRDs
• Radio Guesting
• Barangay Civil Registration System Seminar
• Participation to Kasalan ng Bayan
For updates and queries, visit PSA RSSO 10’s official website at http://rsso10.psa.gov.ph, or contact us thru email at rsso10@psa.gov.ph or mobile number 0917-821-9152.
Regional Director, PSA RSSO 10