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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Region 10 started Step 1 of the registration process for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) on 18 January 2021. To comply with the health and safety protocols, the hired PSA enumerators and registration officers will visit house-to-house to collect demographic information of all household members in selected barangays where most of the low-income families reside before proceeding to Step 2 of the registration process.

According to Dr. Janith C. Aves, the Officer in Charge of the Philippine Statistics Authority, Regional Statistical Service Office 10, the whole population will eventually be registered under Philsys. However, the government aims to register low-income families first in order to improve the targeting and distribution of government aid especially during this time of pandemic.

Step 1 of the Philsys registration process involves the collection of demographic data, such as name, sex, permanent address, date and place of birth, and blood type of the target registrants. Hired PSA enumerators will go house-to-house and record these data through digital tablets. The information will then be sent directly to a secured PhilSys database. Health protocols will be strictly enforced throughout the registration process to avoid the spread of the virus. By the end of this step, registrants will be issued an appointment slip which will prompt them to proceed to Step 2 at a later date. Step 2 involves capturing the fingerprints, iris scans and front- facing photograph of the registrants. This process was structured in this manner to ensure the safety of our registrants and registration staff amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, this will dilute registrant volume onsite and help reduce health risks.

OIC Aves assured the public that all information gathered from the residents shall be held strictly confidential as per Republic Act 10625.

PhilSys envisioned to promote seamless delivery of service, to improve the efficiency, transparency and targeted delivery of public and social services. Also, it is to enhance administrative governance, and reduce corruption and curtail bureaucratic red tape. Lastly, Philsys ID promotes ease of doing business.


(Chief Statistical Specialist)



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