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Highlights of the 2020 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry in Northern Mindanao
Reference Number: PSAX-SR-2022-27
Release Date:
Total number of establishments down by 17.1 percent in 2020. In 2020, Northern Mindanao’s total number of establishments in the formal sector of economy was estimated at 8,644 establishments. This is a 17.1 percent contraction from the previous year’s 10,430 establishments. (Figure 1)
By broad industry group, the Services sectors posted the highest number of 7,594 establishments or 87.9 percent of the total establishments in 2020. Industry sectors ranked second with 769 establishments or 8.9 percent of the total. The Agriculture sectors, on the other hand, recorded the least number of establishments of 281 establishments or 3.3 percent of the total.
Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles led in terms of number of establishments with 3,646 or 42.2 percent share to the total. Financial and Insurance Activities placed second with 1,502 establishments or 17.4 percent. Accommodation and Food Service Activities ranked third with 934 establishments or 10.8 percent of the total.
By Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Micro establishments accounted for the highest share with 5,435 establishments or 62.8 percent to total. Small establishments had the second highest share of 34.2 percent or 2,959 establishments. Medium establishments came next with 136 establishments or 1.6 percent share. Large establishments, on the other hand, reported the least with 118 establishments or 1.4 percent.

Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles led in terms of number of establishments with 3,646or 42.2 percent share to the total. Financial and Insurance Activities placed second with 1,502 establishments or 17.4 percent. Accommodation and Food Service Activities ranked third with 934 establishments or 10.8 percent of the total.

By Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Micro establishments accounted for the highest share with 5,435 establishments or 62.8 percent to total. Small establishments had the second highest share of 34.2 percent or 2,959 establishments. Medium establishments came next with 136 establishments or 1.6 percent share. Large establishments, on the other hand, reported the least with 118 establishments or 1.4 percent.

Total employment decreases by 27.0 percent in 2020
Total employment in the region for 2020 dipped to 172,384 workers from 235,981 workers estimated total employment in 2019, a decrease of 27.0 percent.
Of the total, 98.5 percent were paid employees, and the 1.5 percent were working owners and unpaid workers. (Figure 2)
By broad industry group, Services sectors remained as the top employment hub, having absorbed 71.9 percent of total employment in 2020. The Industry and Agriculture sectors accounted for 19.4 percent and 8.7 percent, respectively, of the 172,384 workers in 2020.
Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles had the highest number of workers with 45,891 or 26.6 percent share to the total. This was followed by Manufacturing and Administrative and Support Service Activities with total employment of 20,015 or 11.6 percent, and 16,614 or 9.6 percent, respectively.
By MSME, Small establishments accounted for the highest share with 73,532 workers or 42.7 percent to total. Large establishments had the second highest share of 31.9 percent or 54,957 workers. Micro establishments came next with 26,680 workers or 15.5 percent. Medium establishments, on the other hand, employed the least with 17,215 or 10.0 percent to the total.
Services sector has the highest compensation paid to employees

Total compensation paid to employees amounted to PhP 37.0 billion in 2020. This value is 26.7 percent lower than the PhP 50.5 billion total compensation paid to employees in 2019.

By broad industry group, the Services sectors recorded the highest compensation of PhP 24.4 billion or 65.9 percent share in 2020. This was followed by Industry sectors with PhP 9.6 billion or 26.0 percent. Agriculture sector, on the other hand, paid PhP 3.0 billion or 8.1 percent of the total compensation. (Figure 3)

Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles, which recorded the highest number of workers, was also the top sector in terms of the total compensation paid to employees in 2020 with PhP 6.6 billion or 17.8 percent share to total. Financial and Insurance Activities and Manufacturing placed second and third with total compensation of PhP 6.1 billion or 16.5 percent, and PhP 4.9 billion or 13.2 percent, respectively.
By MSME, Large establishments accounted for the highest share to the total compensation with PhP 14.4 billion or 38.9 percent to total. Small establishments had the second highest share of 36.5 percent or PhP 13.5 billion. Micro establishments came next with PhP 4.7 billion or 12.8 percent. Medium establishments, on the other hand, reported the least with PhP 4.4 billion or 11.9 percent of the total.

Employees in Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply receives the highest average annual pay in two consecutive years

The total compensation paid by establishments in 2020 amounted to PhP 37.0 billion. This translates to an average annual compensation of PhP 217,962 per paid employee which is 0.2 percent lower than the average annual compensation in 2019 at PhP 218,434 per paid employee.
By broad industry group, employees in Industry sectors received the highest average annual pay of PhP 289,642 per paid employee in 2020. Employees in Agriculture sector received an average annual pay of PhP 203,716, while employees in Services sectors received a compensation at an average of PhP 200,171 per paid employee.
Among the sectors, employees in Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply continued to receive the highest average annual pay of PhP 684,621 per paid employee. This was followed by employees in Financial and Insurance Activities and Information and Communication with an average annual pay of PhP 449,058 and PhP 365,790 per paid employee, respectively. (Figure 4)

By MSME, Large establishments accounted for the highest average annual compensation at PhP 263,397 per paid employee in 2020. Medium and Micro establishments paid an average annual compensation of PhP 255,940 and PhP 189,298, respectively. Small establishments, on the other hand, paid the least with PhP 184,913 per paid employee.

Services sector earns the highest revenue
Total revenue generated by establishments in 2020 amounted to PhP 617.7 billion, a decrease of 38.8 percent from the PhP 1,009.4 billion generated in 2019.
By broad industry group, Services sector was the top earner generating PhP 330.4 billion or 53.5 percent of the total revenue in 2020. Industry sectors generated PhP 220.8 billion or 35.7 percent. Agriculture sector, on the other hand, generated a total revenue worth PhP 66.5 billion or 10.8 percent.
Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles contributed the highest share to the total revenue which amounted to PhP 231.9 billion or 37.5 percent. Manufacturing and Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing placed second and third with total revenue of PhP 145.6 billion or 23.6 percent and PhP 66.5 billion or 10.8 percent, respectively.
By MSME, Large establishments accounted for the highest share to the total revenue with PhP 248.9 billion or 40.3 percent. Small establishments had the second highest share of 31.3 percent or PhP 193.2 billion. Medium establishments came next with PhP 103.3 billion or 16.7 percent. Micro establishments, on the other hand, generated the least with PhP 72.3 billion or 11.7 percent. (Figure 5)
Services sector incurs the highest expense
In 2020, the total expense incurred by establishments amounted to PhP 563.6 billion, a decrease of 33.6 percent from the PhP 848.4 billion expense in 2019.
By broad industry group, Services sector incurred the highest expense amounting to PhP 303.0 billion or 53.8 percent share to the total. Industry sector came next with total expense amounting to PhP 184.0 billion or 32.6 percent. Agriculture, on the other hand, incurred a total expense amounting PhP 76.6 billion or 13.6 percent.
Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles was the highest spender at PhP 224.9 billion or 39.9 percent of the total expense. Manufacturing placed second with PhP 117.8 billion or 20.9 percent. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing ranked third spending PhP 76.6 billion or 13.6 percent of the total.

Real Estate Activities records the highest return
Revenue per expense ratio was recorded at PhP 1.10 in 2020. This indicates that for every peso spent, a corresponding revenue of 1.10 pesos was generated. This value is lower by 7.6 percent than the PhP 1.19 revenue per peso expense in 2019.
By broad industry group, Industry sector recorded the highest revenue per expense ratio in 2020 at PhP 1.20, surpassing the national figure. Services sector ranked second highest revenue per expense ratio at PhP 1.09. Agriculture, on the other hand, recorded PhP 0.87 revenue per expense ratio in 2020.
Among the sectors, Real Estate Activities recorded the highest return at PhP 1.52. Administrative and Support Service Activities placed second with PhP 1.41 revenue per expense ratio. Financial and Insurance Activities ranked third with revenue per expense ratio of PhP 1.29. These sectors surpassed the national revenue per expense ratio at PhP 1.11 in 2020.
By MSME, Large and Medium establishments both posted a revenue per expense ratio of PhP 1.10 while Micro and Small establishments both posted a revenue per expense ratio at PhP 1.09.
Medium establishments generate highest sales from e-commerce
E-commerce refers to the sale or purchase of goods or services whether between businesses, households, individuals, government, and other public or private organizations, conducted over the internet. The goods or services are ordered online, but the payment and the ultimate delivery of goods or services do not have to be conducted online.
In Northern Mindanao, total sales from e-commerce transactions in 2020 was estimated at PhP 69,525, this accounted for 0.1 percent of the total income for a year, a decrease of 98.3 percent from the PhP 4.1 million e-commerce sales generated in 2019.
By broad industry group, Industry sectors generated the highest sales from e-commerce transactions amounting to PhP 58,466 or 84.1 percent share to the total. Services sector generated PhP 11,059 or 15.9 percent of the total e-commerce sales. Meanwhile, Agriculture sector reported no sales from e-commerce transaction.

Across the sectors, Manufacturing accounted for 84.1 percent share to total e-commerce sales, or equivalently PhP 58,466. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles ranked second with PhP 5,644 or 8.1 percent of the total. Accommodation and Food Service Activities, on the other hand, generated e-commerce sales of PhP 3,274 or 4.7 percent of the total.

By MSME, Medium establishments accounted for the highest share to the total sales from e-commerce transactions with PhP 58,466 or 84.1 percent. Small establishments had the second highest share of 8.7 percent or PhP 6,025. Micro establishments generated a total sale of PhP 3,979 or 5.7 percent, while Large establishments, generated the lowest at PhP 1,055 or 1.5 percent of the total. (Figure 7)

(Senior Statistical Specialist)
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