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The PSA X is currently undertaking the Census Evaluation Survey (CES) for the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) for the whole month of October 2020. The CES shall serve as the post enumeration survey for the 2020 CPH which is a complete re-enumeration of a representative sample of the census population and matching each individual enumerated in the CES with the information gathered from the 2020 CPH.

The post enumeration survey is necessary since it is a universally accepted proposition that no population census is perfect; that is, errors can and do occur at all stages of the census operation. Hence, the Census Evaluation Survey shall be conducted to assess the completeness of coverage and the quality of information collected in the 2020 CPH. Specifically, the CES aims (1) to evaluate objectively the coverage of the census information collected as well as the content errors, at the national and regional levels; (2) to document all information in relation to the sources and causes of errors in a census-taking; and (3) to serve as reference in improving the conduct of future censuses and surveys.

Some of the questions to be asked in the CES are the following: (1) selected demographic characteristics of persons usually residing with the household as of 01 May 2020 such as age, sex, relationship to the household head, and overseas worker indicator; (2) out-movers` main reason for moving out, date moved out and current residence; and (3) in-movers demographic characteristics such as age, sex and relationship to the household head, main reason for moving in and previous residence.

A total of 2,681 households from the 2020 CPH respondents from 12 barangays in Region X will be re-interviewed for this evaluation survey. Our CES enumerators are wearing PSA identification cards and are equipped with the necessary personal equipment in adherence to the health safety protocols.

In line with this, we are enjoining the public to support the 2020 Census Evaluation Survey.


Chief Administrative Officer