21 June 2024, Ozamiz City – A virtual training session was conducted for Local Government Units (LGUs) to facilitate the adoption of the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) and the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) last
June 13, 2024. The event, held via Zoom, aimed to equip LGUs with the knowledge and skills needed to implement these standards effectively. The PSIC and PSGC are essential tools for consistent data collection, analysis, and reporting across various governmental and non-governmental entities.

The virtual training session brought together 53 participants from various LGUs of the province, including planning and development coordinators, licensing officers, and other LGU personnel who will utilize the PSIC and PSGC.
During the session, LGU Ozamiz’s BPLO personnel shared their process flow in iBPLS for filing new and renewing business permits, which provided insights into optimizing administrative processes using PSIC and PSGC, contributing to efficient service delivery and compliance.
By adopting these standards, LGUs can achieve greater consistency and reliability in their data, that is essential for effective policy development, and more efficient governance.
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Information Officer I (Supervising Statistical Specialist)