Household population comprises over 99 percent of the total population
The 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) shows that the total population of Bukidnon was 1,541,308 persons. Of the total population, 1,537,629 persons, or 99.8%, were the household population.
In 2020, females accounted for 48.1 percent of the household population, while males accounted for the remaining 51.9 percent. By age group, there were 256,815 females and 274,361 males aged below 15 years old (young dependents). Females aged 15 to 64 years (working age or economically active population) totaled 448,081, while males of the same age accounted for 492,866. For those aged 65 years and above, females accounted for 34,077, while males totaled 31,429. (Figure 1 and Table 1)

More males than females in Bukidnon
The sex ratio in the Province of Bukidnon was 108 in 2020. This means that there were 108 males for every 100 females. There was no change in this ratio compared to 2015. (Figure 1 and Table 2)
In 2020, children aged 0-14 years old had a sex ratio of 107 males per 100 females, while those ages 15-64 years old had a sex ratio of 110 males to 100 females. In addition, those aged 65 and older had a sex ratio of 92 males to 100 females.

Dependency ratio declines to 63 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age group
The overall dependency ratio in Bukidnon was computed at 63, which indicates that for every 100 working-age or economically-active population, there were 63 dependents (56 young dependents and seven old dependents). This is lower than the dependency ratio in 2015, recorded at 67 dependents per 100 working-age population (61 young dependents and six old dependents). (Table 3)
Overall, the Age dependency ratio in the female population was slightly higher at 65 (57 young dependents and eight old dependents) than that of males at 63 (56 young dependents and six old dependents). (Figure 3)

Children below 5 years old account for 11.1 percent of the household population in Bukidnon.
The province’s children below five years old accounted for 170,498 or 11.1 percent of the total provincial household population, which was lower than 178,857 children or 12.7 Percent posted in 2015. (Figure 4 and Table 4)

School age population in Bukidnon increased for both male and female.
The total School age population (population from 5 to 24 years old) increased in the Province of Bukidnon in 2020 compared to its posted data for 2015. The province posted 655,512, or 42.6% of the total household population, compared to 603,908, or 42.9% in 2015. (Figure 5 and Table 5)
In the same year, females tallied 317,766 or 48.5%, while males tallied 337,746 or 51.5% in the same age group. The same trend was observed in 2015, where males outnumbered females in the age group with 312,465 or 51.7% and females at 291,443 or 48.3%.

Senior Citizens tallied 7.0 Percent of the total Household Population
Persons aged 60 and over accounted for 107,284, or 7.0% of the total household population in Bukidnon. This was higher than 86,563, or 6.2% of the total household population in 2015. (Figure 6 and Table 6)
The same trend was present in 2020 and 2015 regarding female Senior Citizens outnumbering male Senior Citizens, where in 2020, females tallied 54,457 or 50.8% of the total Senior Citizens in that year and males at 52,827 or 49.2%. In 2015, females posted 44,248 or 51.1%, while males posted 42,315 or 48.9% of the total Senior Citizens.

One in every two female household population is of reproductive age
Women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) in the province of Bukidnon tallied 372,926, or 50.5% of the female household population in 2020. These figures were higher than 334,909 females of reproductive age or 49.5% of the female household population in 2015. (Figure 7 and Table 7)

In September of 2020, the Philippine Statistics Authority carried out the 2020 Census of Population and Housing, using May 1st, 2020 as the reference date. This census was the 15th population census and 7th housing census to be conducted in the Philippines since the first one in 1903. Its purpose was to count and gather information about the characteristics of the total population and housing units in the country. To disaggregate geographic levels of the census, the Philippine Standard Geographic Codes as of April 2022 were utilized.
Population census involves gathering, organizing, assessing, interpreting, and disseminating demographic, economic, and social data related to every individual in a given area, whether it be a whole country or a specific, defined region.
Total population comprises the combined number of individuals in both the household and institutional populations, and also takes into account Filipinos residing in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions located outside the country.
Household population refers to individuals who are members of a household, which is defined by the usual place of residence or where a person typically resides.
Household is a social group that includes either a single person living alone or a group of people who share a housing unit and have a common way of preparing and consuming food.
Sex Ratio denotes the proportion of males to females in a particular population, typically presented as the number of males for every 100 females.
Age is the length of time between the date of a person's birth and the reference date of the census, which was 1 August 2015 to 1 May 2020. It is measured in complete years based on the person's last birthday and is recorded as a whole number.
Overall Dependency Ratio is a measure of the proportion of individuals in a population who are considered dependent, which includes those under 15 years old and those over 64 years old, relative to those who are considered economically active or working, who are between the ages of 15 to 64 years old. This ratio indicates the level of support needed for dependents in relation to the number of individuals who are able to contribute to the economy.
School-age population is defined as individuals between the ages of 5 and 24, without regard to whether they are required to attend school by law or the length of educational programs available in different types of schools.
Senior citizen is an individual who is 60 years old or older.
Women of reproductive age include all females who are between the ages of 15 to 49 years old and are considered to be at risk of becoming pregnant.
Chief Statistical Specialist