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Highlights of the 2018 Census of Philippine Business and Industry: Northern Mindanao

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Total number of establishments up by 104.1 percent

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month December 2020 (2012=100)

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The price of a basket of goods in December 2020 is higher than its price in 2012 by 29.2 percent
The Consumer Price

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month November 2020 (2012=100)

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The price of a basket of goods in November 2020 is higher than its price in 2012 by 28.9 percent

Swine and Chicken Situation in Northern Mindanao As of 01 October 2020

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Swine inventory in the region decreased by 0.9 percent as of third quarter of 2020. It went down from 1.06 million heads to 1.05 million heads in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Bukidnon recorded the highest inventory of swine at 586,196 heads, a…

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month of October 2020 (2012=100)

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Northern Mindanao Records the Highest Expansion of Government Spending in 2019

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The economy of the region expanded by 5.9 percent in 2019. At the expenditure side, the region topped in terms of growth rate in government spending at 19.2 percent.

Region X Economy Expands at a Slower Rate by 5.9% in 2019

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The economy of Region X grew by 5.9 percent in 2019. This was slower as compared to the 7.1 percent growth recorded in the previous year.

Registered Marriages in Northern Mindanao: 2018

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Increasing number of Marriages in Northern Mindanao

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month of September 2020 (2012=100)

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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Northern Mindanao for the month of September 2020 registered at 128.6 which implies that the price of a basket of goods in September 2020 was 28.6 percent higher than its price in

Highlights of Selected Major Crops Production in Northern Mindanao (Second Quarter 2020)

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The volume of production of selected major crops in Northern Mindanao reached 2.497 million metric tons (MT) in the second quarter of 2020, a 28.3 percent increase from its production volume on the same quarter of 2019. (Table 1 and Figure 1) The…