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17 out of 100 Families in Region X are Poor in 2018

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In 2018, the proportion of families whose income falls below the poverty threshold (poverty incidence among families) in the region was estimated at 17.2 percent.

Highlights of Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao December 2019 (2012=100)

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The price of a basket of goods in December 2019 in Northern Mindanao is higher than its prices in 2012 by 25.7 percent…
Figure 1 shows the…

Analysis of the 3rd Quarter 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey

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Livestock and Poultry Situation in Northern Mindanao, As of July 01, 2019

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Highlights of the Employment Situation of Region X for January 2019

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Of the 3.369 million persons 15 years old and over, 62.4 percent were in the labor force

Region X had the Biggest Volume of Traded Commodities during the First Quarter of 2019

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Quantity of domestic trade in Region X accelerates to 1.59 million tons

25 out of 100 Families in Region X are Poor as of First Semester 2018

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The proportion of families whose income fall below the poverty threshold (poverty incidence among families) in the region as of the first semester of 2018 was estimated at 25.4 per cent.

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month of July 2019 (2012=100)

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The Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the month of July posted at 125.1 which implies that the price of one basket of goods was 25.1 higher than the price of goods in year 2012.

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the Month of May 2019 (2012=100)

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The Consumer Price Index in Northern Mindanao for the month of May posted at 125.6 which imply that the price of one basket of goods was 25.6 higher than the price of goods in year 2012.

Highlights of the Consumer Price Index in Region X for the Month of April 2019 (2012=100)

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The region’s year-on-year headline inflation rate recorded at 4.3 percent in April 2019, higher than the 4.10 percent in March 2019 and 4.0 percent during the same period a year ago. (See Figure 1)